American Ghost (Folk, Country - Alternative) |
LyricsAMERICAN GHOST(STEVE DAFOE 2005) ( COPYRIGHTED) CHORUS 1: G E And he's just the keeper of the plains G E Tryin to find the spirited herd he'd once led... D E Remembering human battles that left the land red G E Only removed by the summer's cool rains G E He's thinks he still leads his manes D E But he's just a captive in his own chains.... D E An American Ghost galloping the plains D E Just a ghost on these plains... CHORUS 2: G E And he's the keeper of the great mid west... G E See's the emptiness where Buffalo did once roam... D E Where all creatures, large and small, called their home... D E Now only splattered with all the Human Stains... G E He's just a lone mustang on these plains... D E Still looking for the next big test G E An American Ghost galloping the plains D E Just a ghost of the plains....... Verse 1: D E On shakey legs... he did rise D E The sunlight blinding to his eyes... D E The Mare supports her foal A E Senses something special in his soul.. D E To be a great one, before the day he dies... To: Chorus 1>>>>>>> Verse 2: D E Oh he loved to run and play D E Nothing but games to the end of day D E To be young and carefree in the plains A E That was before he saw the human stains... D E First because of the steam driven trains A E Then the guns; the Indian would pay.... To: Chorus 2 >>>>>> Verse 3: D E Now a Stallion; takes his place to lead D E Protects his herd, fulfills their every need D E But sees the bison fall to the white man's gun... A E Sees their bones bleach in the hot summer sun... D E The humans keep doing their wicked deed To: Chorus 1 or 2 >>>>>>>> Verse 4: D E His anger rises and his blood boils D E He sees the guns and his body coils... D E Gallops between the bison and the men.... A E Takes a bullet where his friends had been.... D E He falls to the ground; his heart tore A E The stallion will lead no more... To: Chorus 1 AND 2 >>>>>>>>> fade (Lyrics may be added\modified to suit publisher/artists |
Short Song Description: An Epic song of the American Mid West! As if Bruce Springsten were singing this himself. |
Long Song Description: |
Story Behind the Song: bpm 114 |
Lyric Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Music Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Producer Credits: |
Publisher Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Performance Credits: |
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Song Length: 4:58 |
Primary Genre: Country-Cowboy |
Secondary Genre: Rock-Roots/Rock n' Roll |
Tempo / Feel: Medium (111 - 130) |
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal |
Subject Matter 1: Horses |
Subject Matter 2: Pain |
Mood 1: Mad |
Mood 2: Frenzied |
Similar Artist 1: Bruce Springsteen |
Similar Artist 2: Joe Walsh |
Language: English |