Love And The Leaving (Rock - Alternative Pop, Pop - Alternative) |
LyricsLOVE AND THE LEAVING( STEVE DAFOE 2007) (COPYRIGHTED) CHORUS : Fmaj7 C Cm7 (or go to G) LOVE......LOVE .......LOVE AND THE LEAVING LIKE LIFE.......LIFE.......THEN DEATH AND THE GRIEVING LIKE ONE......ONE.......ONE TO THE OTHER THAT'S THE WAY THEY ARE........ G A LIKE YOU AND ME G Fmaj7 YOU AND ME VERSE 1: 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E) I BREATHED MY FIRST KISS WITH YOU IN THE PAST YEARS OF US GROWING UP IN THE PLAYGROUND C Fmaj7 WE LAUGHED AND FOUGHT JUST THE TWO OF US..... A SIMPLE LIFE DURING THOSE SIMPLE TIMES 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E) WE HUNG ON TIGHT...CAUSE IT WASN'T GOING TO LAST... VERSE 2: 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E) THEN CAME THE DAY YOU LEFT WITH UNCLE SAM....WAY TOO FAST I WAS JEALOUS THAT YOU WOULD NOT COME BACK C Fmaj7 I WAS HATEFUL THAT YOU COULD NOT COME BACK. A COMPLEX LIFE IN A VERY COMPLEX TIME 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E) I HUNG MY HEAD, 'CAUSE I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO LAST VERSE 3: 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E YOUR DEATH IS JUST ONE OF WAR'S SHAMEFUL CRIME'S MY LOVE IS NOW GRIEVING YOUR LIFELESS FACE C Fmaj7 YOUR RIGID BODY IS ALL THAT REMAINS OF THE YEARS OF PLAYING AND LAUGHING AND LOVING IN THE PLAYGROUND 5th Fret + 7th Fret (High "E") 3rd Fret + 5th Fret (High "E") (Alternate High E JUST LOVING AND BEING IN MUH SIMPLER TIMES........ --------------------------------------------- Reviews Nice guitar playing. Enjoyed the pan of parts of guitars. Could hear this in a film in a "parting scene." - Douglas Branson aka dB+1 Easy on the ears and performed very well. - Ricky John Brown |
Short Song Description: Genre: Rock - Alternative Pop, Pop - Alternative Pop Mood: Down/Dark/Melancholic, Sentimental/Ballad Speed: Medium Fast (95-130) Instruments: Acoustic Guitar (Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin) Track type: Lyric - Full Lyric themes: Anguish Desperation, Breaking Up Saying Goodbye, Broken-Hearted, Love Lost, Missing a Loved One Keywords: acoustic |
Long Song Description: Acoustic Ballad Contemporary Pop Mood: Down/Melancholic Mood: Dramatic Mood: Hopeful 140 BPM |
Story Behind the Song: Professional Review by Aremi Legard, Bremen, Germany Wonderful song - very prof! You made a cool work. Your voice is very good and you can use it. That your song is made only with guitars is great. The mastering could have a bit more workout and the guitarsound on the left side is not really in the mix (pan and volume). But this is not really a problem. Only the originality is in the middle, but I think you know by yourself, that your song is more mainstream. All in all you made a great song and I wish you the best for your work and future. Garibaldi |
Lyric Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Music Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Producer Credits: |
Publisher Credits: Steve Dafoe |
Performance Credits: SD |
Label Credits: |
Song Length: 3:10 |
Primary Genre: Rock-Alternative |
Secondary Genre: Pop-Alternative |
Tempo / Feel: Medium Fast (131 - 150) |
Lead Vocal: Male Vocal |
Subject Matter 1: Pain |
Subject Matter 2: Life |
Mood 1: Stressed |
Mood 2: Heated |
Similar Artist 1: Leonard Cohen |
Similar Artist 2: Billy Joel |
Language: English |